He Should Just Listen To Me!
I often hear frustrated clients who don’t understand why the dog doesn’t just do what is asked of them. The owner feels that the dog “owes” them because they provide food, shelter, and love. The least the dog can do is sit, wait, and come when called, right?
Should Your Dog Meet Everyone on a Walk?
While it sounds like a friendly way to live and a great way to socialize your dog, is it a good idea for your dog to greet every person and dog you see on a walk?
Unfortunately, probably not. But why?
Not Listening or Not Understanding?
There are several reasons a dog appears to “not listen.” Notice the word “appears.” Dogs hear us but may not truly understand our request or may not have mastered the skill that we ask for.
The Betrayal of Bad Behavior
We feed them, buy them toys and treats, pay for training and…
Don’t Be Your Dog’s Worst Boss
We’ve all had them; that nightmare of a boss that makes your job miserable. Bad behavior can happen on either side of the leash so give some thought to the worst boss you’ve ever had and make sure you don’t pass that on to your dog.
Does the Behavior Work?
Dogs constantly learn by discovering what behavior works. They test and eliminate and add to the list of what behaviors get them what they want. If a puppy is giving a treat every time she sits, she’ll quickly learn that the behavior pays off and will often offer a sit when unsure of what to do.
The Magic of the Growl
So, you had a fight with your best friend, and you haven’t spoken for a while. When you run into her at an event, she comes over to talk to you and you’re not ready. Do you tell her you’re not ready to talk, make a snide comment or just slap her across the face? Since you’re out in public, you probably start by asking her to give you some space, might escalate to making a comment that refers to your level of hurt after the fight and most likely don’t go as far as slapping her.
Are You Consistent?
Family decisions can be tough. It’s hard to get everyone on the same page for anything no less for training the family dog. Unfortunately, inconsistencies among family members can lead to unintentional learning by the dog.
Say Good-Bye to “No!”
You have your new puppy or dog for a few weeks and then realize that, as the dog gets more comfortable, that sweet puppy or new arrival gets more active and starts to explore, push boundaries and get downright naughty. The result? You feel as though all you say is “No!”