Understand Your Dog’s Nose and You’ll Better Understand Your Dog
Nosework or Scent Work is a canine sport based on the training used for detection dogs. Dogs are taught to search for “hides” hidden in containers such as boxes or luggage, or within interior rooms, exterior spaces or on vehicles. A hide is a small container such as a tin or straw that holds a Q-tip that has been exposed to an essential odor: usually birch, anise or clove.
Training consists of three phases:
Teaching your dog to hunt
Training him to identify and search for the specific odors
Getting your dog to alert or tell you when and where that odor has been found
Searches commonly are held using containers, vehicles, exterior spaces or interior rooms.
New to Nosework? Have a look!
Dogs use their noses as we use our eyes.
Just about every dog can participate in nosework. Since they are born with eyes and ears shut, puppies use their noses to find Mom and the milk bar. All types of dogs and all types of people participate in nosework, whether as a recreational hobby or as a team competing in the sport.
The benefits are many for both dog and owner:
Burns energy in a young, active dog as they work hard to solve different odor problems
Builds confidence in a shy or reactive dog
Produces a stronger owner-dog bond as the owner better understands how the dog “works”
We offer training for both recreational and competitive teams working at all levels—from Introduction to Odor to Elite/Detective—through private sessions, virtual classes or in-person classes.