Outdoor Group Classes
Specializing in Outdoor Classes. It is, after all, where the Woofer Meets the Road…
Our group classes are held outdoors in and around the beautiful hills of Watchung Reservation, in Union County, NJ giving your dog the skills that are needed in the real world.
Classes meet on Saturday mornings for four weeks and are limited to 6 teams.
Beyond the Backyard
Wish your dog had the same focus outside as inside? Looking to build the outdoor skills that will make walking and enjoying the great outdoors with your dog? This class is for you! All levels welcome as we cover Basic Skills with Advanced Options to give each team what they need to flourish outside.
On The Road
This popular class focuses on loose leash walking and meets in different locations each week to include park, in-town and neighborhood experiences. We’ll explore various methods for loose-leash walking, giving you a suite of tools to keep your dog’s focus on walks no matter where you go!
Off The Leash
This outdoor class starts to build advanced off-leash skills, such as off-leash walking or hiking, coming when called as well as sit, down and wait at a distance. All teams use long lines to ensure safety and success.
Games That Train
This class brings all of the skils your dog learned indoors into the great outdoors, where you need them the most! We’ll use tricks, games and canine parkour to teach a skill that your dog doesn’t know or set your dog up for success in the face of outdoor distractions.

Training should be easy, effective and fun. Skeptical? Give a low-commitment clinic a try and watch your dog shine.
Distraction Clinic
Have your dog’s focus as long as there’s no other dogs, people, traffic or even wind around? You’re not alone. Learn how to capture and keep your dog’s focus in the face of whatever distraction you struggle with, all in just one 90-minute session
My Best Recall
Coming when called can be a lifesaver. We’ll give you multiple ways to train your dog to come, utilizing games and high value rewards. This clinic is held over two weeks and will meet in two different locations to change up the distrations while we increasing the distance to build your dog’s Best Outdoor Recall.
Shape Up!
This 2-week clinic gives you and your dog a solid introduction to shaping. Using a clicker, you’ll “shape” your dog to offer a new, fun behavior such as sitting in a box, regain a lost skill or take a skill to the next level. You’ll leave understanding how to apply this method to daily training and get a glimpse into how your dog will learn to think and offer behaviors that lead him to what you both want!
Ways To Train
There’s no one way or “right” way to train every skill to every dog. This single session clinic will give you a handful of ways to train your dog so you can choose the best way to train your dog or mix up your methods to keep your dog completely focused and engaged.
Skills Check Up and Challenge Clinic
Students’ needs drive the curriculum of this 2-week clinic, where you’ll assess your dog’s skills, decide what you’d like to work on and get a plan that will get you there. Week 2 gives you the opportunity to show off your progress during the week as well as your dog’s best trick or skill.
Last Chance Clinic
This 2-week clinic is held outdoors in the Fall and offers students the opportunity to take a final look at the outdoor skills that can be critical during winter weather. We’ll tune up your dog’s loose leash walking, coming when called, wait and walk slowly—think ice—will all be covered.