Be open to the opportunity that your dog brings to you.
Every dog is unique, just like every human.
We always start with the dog that is in front of you.
I have always been drawn to dogs and understanding what makes them tick. Each of my own dogs has brought new directions, connections and experiences to my life. And the more I’ve done with them, the more wonderfully complex our relationship and my understanding of them has become.
About Me
I am a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KSA) who has personally experienced many of my client’s issues: fear-based behaviors, separation anxiety, excess energy turned into destructive behavior, food guarding, house training challenges and more. As a child, I was bitten—badly—by the family dog and was afraid of him until the day he died (he was a resource/location guarder—a behavioral issue I now fix for clients). Despite that, I had wonderful relationships with the dog that followed as well as those who belonged to friends and neighbors.
The Approach
My training plans are reward-based and come from a combination of scientific data and practical results. Reward-based does not mean permissive—my dogs have clear boundaries and I have had high skills and behavioral expectations for each. In the beginning, I taught skills because every dog should sit, right? Now, every skill I teach has a purpose and is used on a regular, if not daily, basis. And yes, Taylor, my current dog, sits…for lots of things. To get her breakfast delivered, to have her leash attached before a walk and taken off after and on and on throughout the day.
Every training program is designed to be fun, effective and personalized to meet every client’s needs and improve every dog’s situation. My CPDT-KSA is complemented by a Certified Coach designation, which allows me to craft training programs that are not only successful for the dog but also leverage the learning style of the owner.
From puppy to senior, I believe that basic skills and involvement in sports training—either recreational or competitive—benefit every dog and enrich every dog-owner relationship. I’ve trained and successfully competed with my Cocker Spaniels across multiple registries and in multiple sports including Rally Obedience, Competitive Obedience, Agility and Nosework. I’ve followed thier noses to dabbling in Tracking and have honored one dog’s love of water with lessons in Canine Water Sports.
In addition to my CCPDT-KSA Certification, I’m a Certified Coach, Canine Good Citizen Evaluator and a Professional Member of the APDT.
The Dogs Behind the Business:
Chaser’s energy led to competitive sports training while his epilepsy and progressive heart failure began a journey into holistic veterinary methods.
Dazzle required an understanding of behavior to work with food guarding issues an a better grasp of long-term training due to a struggle with colitis.
And Taylor’s sensitivity has taught me to increase connection through better communication—more and more on the dog’s terms!
A recent surge in the study of canine cognition has opened up doors for both trainers and owners. Training becomes easier when we learn to observe, listen and then teach; observe and listen again and refine the teaching—forging a true connection with our dogs.