Training Solutions as
Individual as You and Your Dog
Perfect for addressing specific behavioral issues, fitting into the busiest schedule, or getting any family on the same page, private training sessions are tailored to each client’s needs and schedule.
Private Dog Training
Private training sessions address either skills needs or behavioral issues. Initial consultations include a 90-minute private training session and are held where you need help—usually at your home or local park.
During your private session, we jump right into training and/or behavior modification and your “homework” is designed to be easily incorporated into your daily routine. This creates a new routine, which helps your dog to learn what is expected, anticipate what is needed and, finally, offer the skills you want without being asked.
You’ll receive detailed client notes, with specific steps for everything that was covered in your training session as well as appropriate handouts and links to resources, within 48 hours of our session. Follow-up sessions, which are 60 minutes each, can be included in your training package or scheduled as needed.
And all private training includes phone/text/email support until the job is done!
Popular Training Needs
Puppy Primer
Get your puppy off to the right start with expert guidance on socialization, housetraining, coming when called, dropping items when asked, saying “please” by sitting and loose leash walking. You’ll also teach your puppy the foundation skills that will build a happy, well-adjusted adult.
Adolescent Solutions
Tired of chewing, jumping, nipping, barking, begging and pulling? Our private training session for Adolescents covers it all! We’ll get you through the adolescent months by teaching your dog skills that will be a welcome addition to your daily routine and will set you both up for long-term success.
Skills Training or Tune-Ups
Perfect for the newly adopted adult or as a tune-up for any adult dog, basic skills such as sit, down, come, stay, wait, leave-it, drop-it, walk nicely and settle when needed can all be covered. Our goal is to give your dog the skills and manners needed to be an active part of your family!
Behavior Consultations
Whether your dog struggles with leash reactivity, resource guarding, fear of new people, separation anxiety or overly sensitive to body handling, we can help. You’ll get a step-by-step personalized plan to resolve your dog’s behavioral issues.